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The Matrix

New Hard Drive!

I had fun this morning installing a new and bigger hard drive in my computer. Yes I know it’s not really ‘fun’ fun but at least I have a lot more space now.


First post from the iPad

Hello world.

On Sunday we cracked and threw some money into the abyss named ‘ipad’.

We will let you know how this goes.

Greg and Alice.

Graduation Day

Here’s some pictures from my Masters graduation today, which was a great day for all concerned.


The Ruined Castle (24th May 2009)

Yesterday we walked out to the Ruined Castle. It is a rock formation in the Blue Mountains, near Katoomba.

It was fun – and then we had chips.


Bushwalking (21st February 2009)


Here are some photographs from our bushwalk through the Grand Canyon (well, A grand canyon) and Neates Glen, yesterday (Saturday), with Anne and Simon. Somehow we managed to dodge most of the rain; it rained while we were coming up out of the Canyon, so we stopped under a rock, which usually doesn’t work, then it stopped while we walked back up to Evans Lookout, then we got in the car, and the rain started again.

So that was funny. I actually took a lot more pictures than this ( I guess it might have been, hmm, hard to say, perhaps 230?) But these are the best of them.


Finally home…

Well we are finally home. Safe and sound back in Bathurst. You may notice we are missing some entries for November and December – for our benefit, if nothing else, we will try and fill them in. So maybe one day you may be able to read them. However, all the images – for the entire 4 months – are up for viewing. You can find them in the Albums to the right.


At home, in bed (5th December)

We hadn’t slept that soundly the night before we left Phnom Penh. We were a bit excited to be dragging our broke asses home, and it was an early morning as well.

And we hadn’t slept that well on the plane. Well, I didn’t – Alice remembered her eye mask and ear plugs and dropped off just like that.

But once we got home in our own comfy comfy bed, we just sailed away into the land of nod and didn’t get up until nine o’clock the next morning.

First order of business was to move a whole lot of pictures and things off the little white computer onto my silver one, partly because I’d taken most of the photos, but mainly because I had a lot more spare space.

That’s for later though; at the moment we had ‘Waking up In Our Own Bed at Home’ to savour.

Did it feel like an achievement? Yes.

Did it feel life-changing? Yes, but hard to say exactly how at this moment.

Was it worth the money we poured into it (plus a $5,000 debt)? Hell Yes. I think the Financial Crisis thingy shows us that the value of money can change quite quickly anyway. It’s just money.

But memories are priceless.

And yes, I could not resist ending our four months of trravel journals with an absurd cliche.

I just had to do it. For the team. They’re just such a determined bunch, all season long they’ve been trying their hearts out, we’ve been putting the ball in the right areas, and getting all the little ducks lined up in a row, but we just haven’t been getting the results, so it’s great for the team for us to finally get a result.

Thank you.

That is all.


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